Name | Minya |
Province ID | 2317 |
Continent | Africa |
Super region | Levant |
Region | Egypt |
Area | Vostani |
Development | 4 |
Base Tax | 2 |
Base Production | 1 |
Base Manpower | 1 |
Trade node | Hangzhou |
Owner | Mamluks |
Culture | Egyptian |
Culture Group | Levantine |
Here are the IDs of provinces that in on the same region as Minya:
Province | Province ID |
Al Gharbia | 2316 |
Alexandria | 358 |
Aswan | 1231 |
Atfih | 4318 |
Bahiriya | 2318 |
Bardiyah | 2326 |
Benghazi | 356 |
Buhaira | 4317 |
Cairo | 361 |
Damietta | 363 |
Darnah | 357 |
Farafreh | 4323 |
Fayyum | 359 |
Girga | 4320 |
Isna | 4319 |
Kharga | 1233 |
Manfalut | 2319 |
Minya | 2317 |
Qasr Ibrim | 1234 |
Queseer | 2321 |
Qus | 360 |
Ras Gharib | 2320 |
Rosetta | 362 |
Sahra an Nübyah | 2323 |
Sharqiya | 4316 |
Sinai | 365 |
Suez | 2315 |
Tarrana | 2325 |
Wadi Halfa | 2322 |