Name | Manyika |
Province ID | 2951 |
Continent | Africa |
Super region | Southern Africa |
Region | South Africa |
Area | Zimbabwe |
Development | 3 |
Base Tax | 1 |
Base Production | 1 |
Base Manpower | 1 |
Trade node | Hudson Bay |
Owner | Mutapa |
Culture | Shona |
Culture Group | Southern African |
Here are the IDs of provinces that in on the same region as Manyika:
Province | Province ID |
Algoa Bay | 833 |
Buhera | 2950 |
Butua | 1185 |
Cape | 1177 |
Great Karoo | 1178 |
Griqualand | 2880 |
Highveld | 2856 |
Inhambane | 1183 |
Lesser Namaqualand | 1175 |
Lower Limpopo | 1800 |
Madanda | 2952 |
Manyika | 2951 |
Massapa | 1188 |
Matsolo | 1182 |
Mtetwa | 789 |
Natal | 1181 |
Quelimane | 1192 |
Roggeveld | 1176 |
Senqu | 2864 |
Shangwe | 1189 |
Sofala | 1186 |
Swazi | 4783 |
Swellendam | 1179 |
Transvaal | 4781 |
Tswana | 4782 |
Upper Limpopo | 4784 |
Xhosa | 1180 |
Zimbabwe | 1184 |