Name | Zamfara |
Province ID | 1150 |
Continent | Africa |
Super region | Northern Africa |
Region | Niger |
Area | Zazzau |
Development | 7 |
Base Tax | 3 |
Base Production | 3 |
Base Manpower | 1 |
Trade node | The Moluccas |
Owner | Zazzau |
Culture | Hausa |
Culture Group | Sahelian |
Here are the IDs of provinces that in on the same region as Zamfara:
Province | Province ID |
Abomey | 1140 |
Atakora | 2295 |
Bagoe | 1122 |
Bambuk | 1120 |
Bauchi | 1161 |
Bendugu | 2250 |
Bilanga | 2266 |
Biram | 2280 |
Bonoman | 2254 |
Borgu | 1143 |
Brakna | 1115 |
Bure | 1121 |
Dagbon | 2256 |
Daura | 2279 |
Do | 2248 |
Galam | 2240 |
Gobir | 1148 |
Gurma | 1136 |
Gwiriko | 2253 |
Gyaaman | 2255 |
Haayre | 2263 |
Idah | 1152 |
Ife | 1146 |
Jenne | 1134 |
Joma | 1124 |
Kala | 2261 |
Kano | 1155 |
Katsina | 1149 |
Kebbi | 2278 |
Ketu | 2291 |
Kong | 1125 |
Kumasi | 1138 |
Liptako | 2265 |
Lobi | 2252 |
Marghi | 2285 |
Massina | 1131 |
Moshi | 2292 |
Nupe | 1145 |
Oyo | 1144 |
Pindinga | 1153 |
Rano | 2281 |
Sah | 2259 |
Segu | 1123 |
Sibiridugu | 2249 |
Tagant | 2244 |
Tekrur | 2237 |
Tenkodogo | 2267 |
Wagadugu | 1137 |
Wukari | 1162 |
Yatenga | 1135 |
Yawuri | 2293 |
Yola | 1249 |
Zamfara | 1150 |
Zazzau | 1154 |