Name | Samoa Islands |
Province ID | 1726 |
Super region | East Pacific |
Region | South East Pacific |
Area | Polynesian Triangle |
Development | 6 |
Base Tax | 1 |
Base Production | 2 |
Base Manpower | 3 |
Trade node | Australia |
Here are the IDs of provinces that in on the same region as Samoa Islands:
Province | Province ID |
Bass Islands | 1727 |
Chatham Islands | 1723 |
Chile Rise | 1705 |
Clipperton Fracture Zone | 1716 |
Clipperton Island | 1707 |
Coast of Hawaii | 1697 |
Cocos Ridge | 1700 |
East Pacific Ridge | 1730 |
East Pacific Rise | 1711 |
Easter Island | 1713 |
Eltanin Fracture Zone | 1731 |
Equatorial Pacific Counter Current | 1740 |
Flint Island | 1738 |
Galapagos Islands | 1702 |
Galapagos Rise | 1708 |
Guatemala Basin | 1701 |
Humboldt Current | 1710 |
Juan Fernandez Islands | 1704 |
Kiribati Islands | 1732 |
Line Islands | 1735 |
Louisville Seamount Chain | 1722 |
Marquesas Islands | 1737 |
Midway Island | 1692 |
Mornington Abyssal Plain | 1718 |
Nazca Ridge | 1703 |
Peru Current | 1709 |
Phoenix Islands | 1733 |
Pitcairn Islands | 1739 |
Samoa Islands | 1726 |
Society Islands | 1728 |
South Equatorial Pacific Current | 1712 |
South Pacific | 1729 |
South Pacific Raging Fifties | 1719 |
South Pacific Roaring Forties | 1721 |
Southeast Pacific | 1724 |
Southern Humboldt Current | 1717 |
Tharp Fault | 1720 |
Tiki Basin | 1741 |
Tuamotu Islands | 1725 |
West of Magellans | 1706 |
Western Equatorial Pacific Counter Current | 1736 |
Here are IDs of provinces that are in the same area as Samoa Islands:
Province | Province ID |
Bass Islands | 1727 |
Chatham Islands | 1723 |
Coast of Hawaii | 1697 |
Easter Island | 1713 |
Eltanin Fracture Zone | 1731 |
Flint Island | 1738 |
Kiribati Islands | 1732 |
Line Islands | 1735 |
Louisville Seamount Chain | 1722 |
Midway Island | 1692 |
Phoenix Islands | 1733 |
Pitcairn Islands | 1739 |
Samoa Islands | 1726 |
Society Islands | 1728 |
South Pacific | 1729 |
South Pacific Roaring Forties | 1721 |
Southeast Pacific | 1724 |
Tharp Fault | 1720 |
Tuamotu Islands | 1725 |