Name | Mayaimi |
Province ID | 2536 |
Continent | North America |
Super region | North America |
Region | Southeast |
Area | Florida |
Development | 3 |
Base Tax | 1 |
Base Production | 1 |
Base Manpower | 1 |
Trade node | Rio Grande |
Culture | Taino |
Culture Group | Caribbean |
Here are the IDs of provinces that in on the same region as Mayaimi:
Province | Province ID |
Ais | 926 |
Apalachee | 928 |
Atali | 2527 |
Calusa | 2535 |
Chesapeake | 950 |
Chiaha | 935 |
Chicora | 2546 |
Combahee | 4880 |
Coosa | 931 |
Cusabo | 2542 |
Eno | 4878 |
Etali | 4882 |
Etowah | 2540 |
Guale | 929 |
Ichisi | 2537 |
Issati | 932 |
Iswa | 933 |
Joara | 936 |
Kasihta | 930 |
Kituwah | 4879 |
Manahoac | 2552 |
Mayaca | 4625 |
Mayaimi | 2536 |
Mocama | 2539 |
Monacan | 949 |
Moratok | 2549 |
Nottoway | 4877 |
Ocute | 2538 |
Pomouik | 938 |
Potano | 4626 |
Powhatan | 952 |
Rappahannock | 2550 |
Roanoke | 2547 |
Saluda | 2541 |
Sawokli | 4881 |
Senedo | 2011 |
Skarureh | 937 |
Timucua | 927 |
Tutelo | 2548 |
Waccamaw | 2543 |
Waxhaw | 2545 |
Yadkin | 2544 |
Yustaga | 2534 |