Name | Lincolnshire |
Province ID | 243 |
Continent | Europe |
Super region | Western Europe |
Region | Britain |
Area | East Midlands |
Development | 13 |
Base Tax | 5 |
Base Production | 5 |
Base Manpower | 3 |
Trade node | Wien |
Owner | England |
Culture | English |
Culture Group | British |
Here are the IDs of provinces that in on the same region as Lincolnshire:
Province | Province ID |
Aberdeen | 251 |
Argyll | 4363 |
Ayrshire | 249 |
Bedfordshire | 4370 |
Carmarthen | 4369 |
Chester | 4375 |
Connaught | 376 |
Cork | 4118 |
Cornwall | 233 |
Coventry | 4372 |
Cumbria | 247 |
Derby | 1861 |
Desmond | 4378 |
Devon | 4373 |
Donegal | 4380 |
Dorset | 4374 |
Dumfries | 4362 |
Essex | 238 |
Glamorgan | 241 |
Gloucester | 239 |
Gwynedd | 242 |
Hampshire | 234 |
Hull | 4367 |
Inner Hebrides | 4364 |
Inverness | 252 |
Kent | 235 |
Kildare | 4120 |
Lancashire | 244 |
Leicester | 4376 |
Leinster | 374 |
Limerick | 375 |
Lincolnshire | 243 |
London | 236 |
Lothian | 248 |
Mann | 4365 |
Midlands | 4379 |
Montgomery | 4366 |
Norfolk | 1860 |
Northumberland | 246 |
Orkney | 369 |
Ormond | 4377 |
Outer Hebrides | 253 |
Oxford | 237 |
Pale | 373 |
Perth | 250 |
Roxburghshire | 4361 |
Scarborough | 4368 |
Sheffield | 4785 |
Shrewsbury | 240 |
Sligo | 4119 |
Somerset | 4130 |
Sussex | 4371 |
Sutherland | 4110 |
Tyrone | 372 |
Ulster | 4121 |
York | 245 |
Here are IDs of provinces that are in the same area as Lincolnshire:
Province | Province ID |
Derby | 1861 |
Leicester | 4376 |
Lincolnshire | 243 |