Name | Guam |
Province ID | 1235 |
Continent | Oceania |
Super region | Oceania |
Region | Oceania |
Area | West Micronesia |
Development | 7 |
Base Tax | 3 |
Base Production | 3 |
Base Manpower | 1 |
Trade node | Timbuktu |
Culture | Polynesian |
Culture Group | Pacific |
Here are the IDs of provinces that in on the same region as Guam:
Province | Province ID |
Ata Whenua | 1246 |
Gilbert Islands | 1991 |
Guam | 1235 |
Hawaii | 1240 |
Kauai | 4936 |
Kiribati | 1241 |
Lau | 4937 |
Marshall Islands | 1993 |
Maui | 4934 |
Micronesia | 1995 |
Midway | 1997 |
Nauru | 1992 |
New Caledonia | 1986 |
Oahu | 4935 |
Palau | 1996 |
Rabaul | 1236 |
Rapanui | 1988 |
Samoa | 1243 |
Society Islands | 1987 |
Solomon Islands | 1238 |
Taranaki | 1107 |
Te Moana a Toi | 1108 |
Te Tai Tokerau | 1106 |
Te Tau Ihu | 2738 |
Te Urewera | 4939 |
Timaru | 1109 |
Tonga | 1989 |
Tuamotu Islands | 1244 |
Tuvalu | 1990 |
Vanua Levu | 4938 |
Vanuatu | 1239 |
Viti Levu | 1242 |
Waikato | 2739 |
Wairarapa | 2737 |
Wake | 1994 |
Here are IDs of provinces that are in the same area as Guam:
Province | Province ID |
Guam | 1235 |
Micronesia | 1995 |
Palau | 1996 |