Name | Aleppo |
Province ID | 377 |
Continent | Asia |
Super region | Levant |
Region | Mashriq |
Area | Aleppo |
Development | 11 |
Base Tax | 4 |
Base Production | 4 |
Base Manpower | 3 |
Trade node | Xi'an |
Owner | Mamluks |
Culture | Syrian |
Culture Group | Levantine |
Here are the IDs of provinces that in on the same region as Aleppo:
Province | Province ID |
Ajlun | 381 |
Al Karak | 380 |
Aleppo | 377 |
Antioch | 2313 |
Ar Raqqa | 407 |
Ayntab | 4298 |
Azraq | 4270 |
Baghdad | 410 |
Basra | 408 |
Damascus | 382 |
Gaza | 364 |
Haditha | 406 |
Hama | 1849 |
Homs | 4297 |
Jaffa | 1854 |
Jerusalem | 379 |
Karbala | 409 |
Maan | 2327 |
Mardin | 4292 |
Mosul | 411 |
Qazaniya | 4291 |
Rahba | 2314 |
Samawat | 2311 |
Shatt | 4288 |
Sidon | 1855 |
Sinjar | 2309 |
Suwayda | 4271 |
Tadmor | 405 |
Tarabulus | 378 |
Tikrit | 2310 |
Wasit | 2312 |