Name | Akimel |
Province ID | 877 |
Continent | North America |
Super region | Central America |
Region | California |
Area | Arizona |
Development | 8 |
Base Tax | 3 |
Base Production | 3 |
Base Manpower | 2 |
Trade node | Persia |
Modifiers | Kura Estuary |
Owner | Pima |
Culture | Piman |
Culture Group | Sonoran |
Here are the IDs of provinces that in on the same region as Akimel:
Province | Province ID |
Aa'ku | 2495 |
Akimel | 877 |
Bedonkohe | 2492 |
Cahuilla | 867 |
Choinumni | 4636 |
Chumash | 868 |
Cochimi | 865 |
Guaycura | 866 |
Hopituh | 2493 |
Hwalbay | 2491 |
Kinyaa'aanii | 878 |
Kuumeyay | 2476 |
Lakisamni | 870 |
Maidu | 2479 |
Mayo | 4649 |
Miwok | 2021 |
Naflat | 4631 |
Nakipa | 2620 |
Ndee | 879 |
Ohkay Owingeh | 880 |
Ohlone | 4637 |
Opata | 4650 |
Paipai | 4639 |
Pomo | 871 |
Seri | 2616 |
Shasta | 2480 |
Shiwinna | 2494 |
Sobaipuri | 4633 |
T'epot'aha'l | 869 |
Taaqtam | 4635 |
Tachi | 2478 |
Tachii'nii | 875 |
Tohono | 4577 |
Tsék'aadn | 4634 |
Tsi'ya | 4632 |
Tsiahahéndé | 881 |
Ukom'nom | 2477 |
Wint'uh | 4638 |
Yaqui | 862 |
Yavapé | 876 |