A complete and up-to-date searchable list of all EU4 mission IDs.
Missions are tasks formatted as a "tree", with each completed task allowing the completion of another task in addition to a reward. There are many generic missions available to all nations, with others being available depending upon nation, culture, religion, or region.
Name | ID |
A Base in Scotland | hsa_edinburgh_mission |
A Center of Belief | emp_sav_order_of_saints_maurice_and_lazarus |
A Center of Commerce | gen_hre_financial_centre |
A Foothold in Italy | swa_foothold_in_italy |
A Foothold in Japan | kor_foothold_in_japan |
A Great Mandala | tau_great_mandala |
A Holy Empire | emp_hab_empire_united_in_religion |
A Kingdom Divided | bur_lorraine |
A Kingdom Divided | emp_bur_lorraine |
A Merchant Fleet | gen_south_india_navy |
A Million Elephants | tau_conquer_lxa |
A Million Rice Fields | tau_conquer_lanna |
A Pirate Federation | pirate_federation |
A Pirate Fleet | pirate_a_pirate_fleet |
A Pirate Hoard | pirate_hoard |
A Powerful Subject | gen_north_india_powerful_subject |
A Question of Spain | emp_gen_the_spanish_question |
A Real Roman Empire | emp_ita_a_real_roman_empire |
A Roman Empire | emp_hab_an_empire_roman |
A Scourge On The Seven Seas | pirate_a_scourge_on_the_seven_seas |
A Second Madagascar | pirate_a_second_madagascar |
A Show of Strength | emp_brapru_show_of_strength |
A Strong Economy | emp_hun_improve_economy |
A Strong Government | emp_hun_strong_government |
A Worthy Navy | emp_ita_a_worthy_navy |
A.E.I.O.U. | emp_hab_empire_pass_reforms |
AEIOU | head_of_the_habsburgs |
Abu Said's Dream | mug_abu_saids_dream |
Academy of the Bran | emp_lan_academy_of_the_bran |
Access to Mount Paektu | kor_conquer_changbai |
Accommodate the Rajputs | mlw_rajput_estate |
Acquire Subjects | have_two_subjects |
Across the Vindhyas | mug_across_vindhyas |
Adjust the General Means | emp_ned_adjust_the_general_means |
Admiralty Colleges | emp_ned_reform_the_admiralty_colleges |
Adriatic Access | emp_lan_adriatic_access |
Advance the Frontier | sco_advance_frontier |
Advance the Frontier | sco_advance_frontier_free |
Advance to Kalyana | vij_defeat_bahmanis |
Advance to the Arabian Sea | bng_conquer_multan |
Advance to the Dniepr | tr_dniepr |
Affair of the Sausages | emp_swi_reformation |
Afghan Frontier | mug_afghan_frontier |
Africa Proconsulare | emp_ita_africa_proconsulare |
African Gold | gc_por_african_gold |
African Modernization | africa_modernization |
African Opportunities | adu_buy_africa |
Ahmadabad Paper | guj_paper_mills_of_ahmadabad |
Air Strike | gc_tun_air |
Aldine Monopoly | emp_ven_aldine_monopoly |
Ale in Alexandria | tradenode_alexandria |
Alexandrian Trade | mam_alexandria_trade |
All Bases Covered | emp_sav_cover_your_bases |
All Roads Lead to Milan | emp_mlo_all_roads_lead_to_milan |
Almohad Lands | adu_own_tunisia_1 |
Alpine Bastions | emp_swi_mountain_forts |
Alpine Defenses | emp_ita_alpine_defenses |
Alpine Fortifications | emp_sav_fortify_all |
American Independence | emp_fra_american_independence |
American Independence | usa_independence |
American Trade | establish_trade_in_american_cot |
Among The Great Powers | emp_ita_a_place_among_the_great_powers |
An Army with a State | emp_brapru_army_reforms_3 |
An Old Fort | pirate_an_old_fort |
Anatolian Frontier | emp_ita_anatolian_frontier |
Anatolian Threat | hun_ottoman_borders |
Angevin Kingdom | eng_rb_angevin |
Anglo-German Unity | han_anglo_german_unity |
Annex Alsace | emp_fra_annex_alsace |
Annex Alsace | annex_alsace |
Annex Cyprus | emp_ven_annex_cyprus |
Annex Dai Viet | annex_dai_viet |
Annex Genoa | emp_fra_annex_genoa |
Annex Genoa | annex_genoa |
Annex Poland | emp_ger_hlr_poland |
Annex Prome | tau_conquer_prome |
Annex Savoy | emp_fra_annex_savoy |
Annex Savoy | annex_savoy |
Annex Tibet | mch_annex_tibet |
Annex Tibet | mongols_annex_tibet |
Annihilate Venice | destroy_venice |
Annihilate Venice | destroy_venice_pp |
Ansbach Succession | emp_brapru_ansbach_succession |
Appease the Estates | emp_bur_appease_the_estates |
Appoint Dregatori | rmn_appoint_dregatori |
Arabian Ports | guj_arabian_ports |
Arabian Sea Trade | arabian_sea_trade_ports |
Arabian Trade | hin_arabian_trade |
Aragonese Inheritance | nav_aragonese_inheritance |
Ark of the Covenant | EMP_crusader_ark_of_the_covenant |
Arm the Khalsa | gen_indian_sikh_khalsa |
Army Reforms | emp_brapru_army_reforms_2 |
Arts and Letters | gc_por_universities |
Assemble An Army | assemble_an_army |
Assert Control over Delhi | dlh_lodi_sayyids |
Assert Our Sovereignty | emp_ned_assert_dutch_sovereignty |
Assuming Control | itm_assuming_control |
Austria Prospers | emp_hab_prospering_nation |
Austria Shall Fall | swa_austria_shall_fall |
Austrian Netherlands | emp_hab_austrian_netherlands |
Autocephalous Archbishopric | nov_archbishopric |
Autocratic Rule | russian_abolutism_mission |
Avoid Fragmentation | emp_sax_defragment |
Aztec Conquest | gc_cas_spa_aztecs |
Aztec Conquest | spa_rb_aztecs |
Back The League | emp_pap_back_the_catholic_powers |
Balance the Estates | emp_hab_balanced_estates |
Balance the Four Divisions | JAP_balance_the_four_divisions |
Baltic Conquest | emp_ger_hlr_baltic |
Bankers of Cambay | guj_bankers_of_cambay |
Base in Africa | EMP_crusader_africa |
Bases in North America | emp_fra_french_colony_in_north_america |
Bases in North America | french_colony_in_north_america |
Basque Fisheries | nav_basque_fisheries |
Bavarian Netherlands | emp_bav_netherlands |
Become King | emp_sax_become_king |
Befriend Ethiopia | emp_ita_befriend_ethiopia |
Befriend the Cossacks | mission_lit_cossacks |
Bengal Campaign | mug_bengal_campaign |
Bengal Entrepot | mug_bengal_entrepot |
Beyond Cape Bojador | gc_por_discover_african_coast |
Beyond Cape Bojador | por_discover_african_coast |
Beyond the Pale | beyond_the_pale |
Bibliotheca Corviana | emp_hun_corviana_library |
Blood and Iron | emp_ger_hlr_blood_and_iron |
Boarisch als Leitkultur | emp_bav_cultural_dominance |
Bohemian Borderlands | emp_hun_bohemian_borderlands |
Bohemian Commonwealth | emp_boh_bohemian_commonwealth |
Bohemian Crystal | emp_boh_bohemian_crystal |
Bohemian Union | union_over_bohemia_mission |
Brahmin Administrators | brahman_administrators |
Brazilian Dominance | gc_por_establishes_foothold_brazil |
Brazilian Dominance | por_establishes_foothold_brazil |
Break the Chains | peasants_break_the_chains |
Break the Rus | break_the_rus_mission |
Break the Tatar Yoke | tr_tatar_yoke |
Brest Dockyards | bri_brest |
Brest Dockyards | emp_fra_brest |
Build A Roman Navy | emp_pap_roman_navy |
Build Alliances | bri_build_alliances |
Build Buildings | build_temples |
Build Manufactories | build_manufactories |
Build Manufactories | eng_rb_coal |
Build a Treasury | build_treasury |
Build to Force Limit | build_army_mission |
Build to Force Limit | kor_build_army_mission |
Bulgarian Empire | bul_restore_empire |
Bulgarian Independence | bul_independence |
Bulwark of Christianity | emp_hun_bulwark_of_christianity |
Burn the Wooden Wall | emp_ger_hlr_burn_the_wooden_wall |
Bypass the Great Wall | mch_great_wall |
Caliphate of Cordoba | gra_restore_caliphate_cordoba |
Capture Adriatic Ports | emp_ser_expand_adriatic_presence |
Capture Paris | french_minors_paris |
Capture Venice | emp_sav_conquer_venetia |
Capture the Terra Firma | emp_mlo_terra_firma |
Caribbean Colony | gc_cas_spa_caribbean_colony |
Caribbean Colony | spa_rb_caribbean_colony |
Carolingian Empire | emp_bur_carolingian_empire |
Carpathian Conquest | emp_ger_hlr_caprathian_conquest |
Casa da Índia | gc_por_indian_investment |
Caste Loyalty | gen_hindu_caste_loyalty |
Cathedral Cities | nov_cathedrals |
Catholic Confraternity | emp_pap_catholic_alliances |
Catholic Volunteers | emp_pap_catholic_volunteers |
Center of Culture | gen_north_india_unite_culture |
Center of Trade | gen_north_india_cot |
Central Anatolia | recover_central_anatolia |
Central Belt Coal Mining | sco_early_industry |
Centralize France | emp_fra_integrate_vassals |
Centralized Empire | emp_ger_hlr_centralized_empire |
Chakravarti | tau_rule_indochina |
Challenge Papal Power | emp_ven_challenge_papal_supremacy |
Challenge Spanish Power | emp_ned_challenge_spanish_power |
Chambers of Commerce | fla_commercial_infrastructure |
Charlemagne's Legacy | gen_hre_emperor |
Chart the Southern Seas | england_discovers_australia |
Charter the VOC | emp_ned_charter_the_voc |
Charter the WIC | emp_ned_charter_the_wic |
Chinese Diplomacy | kor_befriend_ming |
Chivalry is not Dead | emp_bur_chivalry_is_not_dead |
City of Ujjain | capital_for_rajputana |
City of Victory | city_of_victory |
City of Victory | vij_city_of_victory |
City of the World's Desire | gc_ara_constantinople |
City of the World's Desire | defeat_the_byzantine_empire |
Claim Brandenburg | fkn_union_with_brandenburg |
Claim France | emp_sav_claim_france |
Claim Hispaniola | gc_cas_spa_hispaniola |
Claim Samarkand | mission_conquer_samarkand |
Claim Tirol | emp_bav_conquer_tirol |
Claim Westphalia | wes_conquest_of_westfalen |
Claim the Borderlands | emp_sax_conquer_erzgebirge |
Claim the Canaries | gc_mor_canaries |
Claim the Khanate | mongols_restore_the_khanate |
Claim the Steppes | cross_the_mongol_border |
Claim the Steppes | tr_cross_the_mongol_border |
Claiming the Isles | conquer_orkney_free |
Claiming the Northern Isles | claiming_orkney |
Claims in Aragon | gc_cas_spa_reconquista_three |